• Palvelumme
  • Ajankohtaista
  • Ura
  • Tietoa meistä

Invoicing instructions

Invoicing instructions for companies managed by Newsec

Newsec prefers receiving all invoices via electronical channels only.

E-invoice operator for Newsec Property Asset Management Finland Oy is OpusCapita Solutions Oy (service ID: E204503).

Please check the invoicing address of each company from the buyer or in the following internet site: https://verkkolaskuosoite.fi/client/index.html

All e-invoices must contain the following information:

  • invoice date
  • invoice number
  • seller/buyer’s name and address
  • seller’s VAT number
  • buyer’s VAT number
  • quantity and description of the goods/services purchased
  • delivery date
  • tax rate and specification by each tax rate
  • note of non-VAT sales
  • any other information required by law

In addition, a reference must be given (purchase order/project/agreement number or name of the buyer).

It is also recommended to mention the street address of the property concerned.

Payment term is minimum 30 days net unless otherwise agreed.

For more information, please contact buyer/orderer or accounts payable: accountspayable@newsec.fi (no invoices received in this address).

Please note that we do not accept paper invoices received via post. In case you are not able to provide e-invoices, please send invoices in PDF-format to: invoice@newsec.fi

Please send each invoice in a separate PDF-file (invoice attachments must be included in the same PDF-file as the invoice).

Thank you for your cooperation.